Run $ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/start_service.sql with OWBSYS user.
If you have the following error:
Not Available
service startup failure using command "$ORACLE_HOME/owb/b
in/unix/ -manual 1 $ORACLE_HOME OWBSYS 10.8
4.80.186:1521:bidev" reason ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java ex
ception: service early exit: code=1 : err=JVMJ9VM015W Init
ialization error for library j9gc23(2): Failed to instantiate heap; 768M reques
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
: out=
please invoke [owbhome]/owb/rtp/sql/service_doctor.sql for more information
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.